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Protective Behaviours Education Service

The Protective Behaviours Education Program is a preventative, living skills program that enables people of all ages to develop skills to assist them in dealing with all forms of unsafe situations.

Protective Behaviours Education Service

Whilst the program does focus on the prevention of child sexual abuse it does have applications for all forms of abuse and provides individuals with strategies to best prevent and respond to abuse of any kind.

The program caters to children who have suffered or are at risk of sexual abuse. It also provides education to families and communities. Although the program operates from a central office, outreach services to communities in the Gascoyne region are provided.

Our qualified facilitators provide Protective Behaviours programs that include:

  • Education, both one-on-one and in groups
  • How to spot and avoid potential danger
  • How to minimise risk of sexual abuse
  • What avenues are available to them if they are exposed to sexual abuse in any capacity
  • General life skills
  • Training for adults and parents that raises their awareness of child sexual abuse in the wider community, and raises their understanding of its impact
  • Group activities and courses that encourage the community to unite and take responsibility for ensuring that children are not sexually abused

The program is underpinned by two core themes:

“We all have the right to be safe and feel safe at all times.”

“We can talk with someone about anything, no matter what it is.”


All services are provided free of charge. To make an appointment or referral contact us at:

Service Referrals and Downloads

Protective Behaviours Parent Workshop Registration
Download PDF
Protective Behaviours Individual Session Registration
Download PDF
Protective Behaviours Group Workshop Registration
Download PDF