Family and domestic violence is when one person wants to control and have power over another. They can be an intimate partner, a parent, a child, a sibling, another family member, a carer… anyone in your household.
It happens to people in all walks of life – all ages, all cultures, all communities, all income groups and all abilities.
If you are in a violent or abusive family or domestic situation sometimes the only option for you to be safe is to leave your home and receive care at a refuge. Women on their own or those with children up to 18 years of age are welcome at the Gascoyne Women’s Refuge where you will receive emotional and practical support during your stay. The outreach service that operates from the refuge can also connect you with many services to help you understand your legal, housing and financial options.
Once you have left our refuge, we will continue to support you with our relevant services if needed.
We offer culturally appropriate services and welcome women and children from all cultures and backgrounds.
At the refuge we offer women and children a free counselling service that provides you with the ability to talk to highly experienced professionals about your experiences with family violence. We offer you a safe, confidential, non-judgemental and relaxed space so you can speak freely and receive emotional support from our counsellors.
Counselling appointments can be face-to-face, via video conference or over the telephone.
Clients may be brought into the centre by the Police, local patrols, health and welfare agencies or by other means including self referral.
For a client to be admitted they must be assessed by centre staff and cannot enter if intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs.
The Gascoyne Women's Refuge is open 24 hours a day seven days a week.