It is normal to feel angry from time to time. However, it is how we respond to and express that anger that can cause a problem.
Individuals can learn more about this human emotion and how to control anger using anger management techniques.
Anger is a strong emotion all people experience from time to time. Anger is usually characterised by feelings of frustration, hostility, agitation, or aggression. Anger can vary in it’s intensity from being very mild, to very intense, such as rage.
CFSS WA offer the ACT Program which is a 10 Week Anger Management Program designed for men. The program is carried out in a social support group setting and aims to provide individuals with skills to understand, control and manage their anger and tension.
The ACT program will be run on Thursdays in conjunction with school terms.Starting time: 2pm-4pm.
If you or anyone you know could benefit from participating in the program please CFSS as numbers will be limited to 8 - 10 people.
Carnarvon Family Support Service INC
Lotteries House
53 Olivia Terrace
Carnarvon, WA 6701
Phone: 08 9941 1251