The Public Tenancy Support Service is a free, confidential support service that assists people living in public housing provided by the Western Australian Department of Communities, who are in danger of losing their tenancy.
CFSS WA also works with people experiencing housing issues, homelessness or at risk of homelessness providing support to seek stable housing arrangements, and connect with emergency relief options or financial counselling support.
We offer guidance and assistance to maintain a tenancy in private or public housing, the space to feel safe and the skills needed to enhance and sustain living conditions.
For tenants who are eligible our housing support worker will visit them in their home, assess their situation and help plan a solution that best suits them.
The support workers at CFSS WA can negotiate and advocate on the tenant's behalf, assist with budgeting, assist with filling in paperwork, and show the tenant appropriate methods of house keeping and home management.
We welcome referrals from individuals however participation is voluntary and requires client consent before issues can be resolved. To make an appointment or referral contact us at: