Over the course of 2022 the number of clients has increased from 20 clients to 200 clients with an ongoing waitlist. Our Psychologist has worked tirelessly to achieve this amazing result but sadly she has moved on and the Psychologists position in currently vacant.
The good news is that we have a new Counsellor coming on board in 2023 to take on many of the clients that we assist however we will continue to advertise for a psychologist going forward.
During the past year we have developed and strengthened new and ongoing relationships with various service providers and organisations throughout Carnarvon. These collaborations have been an asset to maintaining the regular and ongoing referrals to the service and provided the service great opportunities to provide not only one on one therapeutic appointments but also run workshops and host seminars to educate and support the client group on a larger scale. This has also ensured that the CSATS program remains a positive and constant presence in the town.
In 2022 we developed an MOU with Edmund Rice Flexible Learning Centre to assist in supporting the target population of those impacted by child sexual abuse. This MOU has ensured that both services consistently support one another through various avenues to enable a stronger community clientele.
We were fortunate to travel to Burringurrah in the later part of 2022 and as always it was an absolute pleasure to work with the children at the Burringurrah School.
Protective Behaviours Education Program
In 2022 it was a slow start to this program due to COVID and the many restrictions this placed on schools and community organisations. However, in the later part of the year it was back to business in the schools and the Protective Behaviours Program was once again alive and well.
Men’s Anger Management Program
Our anger management counselling is built around the idea of ceasing to use anger as a habitual way of managing everyday feelings. The goal of our anger management counselling has been to establish helpful and constructive behavioural ways of managing anger when it arises, and to better regulate ones emotions.
During 2022 our anger management counsellor has helped individuals, couples and families address a range of concerns arising from anger management issues. If you or someone you know is struggling with anger CFSS WA can assist.
The Counselling and Psychological Services has operated above the expected capacity and has ensured it is able to address the ongoing psychological assessment and interventions needs that have presented.
Protective Behaviours Referral Program
Our biggest achievement of 2022 has been the introduction of the Protective Behaviours Referral Program. Whilst the key stakeholders are Police and Communities this service is available to all services and individuals can also self-refer.
Here at CFSS WA we feel It is important that children and young people develop personal safety skills from a well-presented and well-structured personal safety program. With this in mind we have developed this program to teach children and young people personal safety skills that can be used to keep them safe and work towards reducing violence and abuse in the community.
Everybody has the right to feel safe all of the time, but unfortunately child abuse statistics tell a very different story.
Another of the aims of this new program is to work proactively with statutory agencies and families to build safety around children and prevent the need for children to enter the out-of-home-care system. It is also intended to support children and young people who are in out-of-home care to improve their knowledge and ability to receive the appropriate help when needed.
In essence this program provides children and young people who are victims of sexual and physical abuse and domestic violence with therapeutic group workshops and one to one Protective Behaviours Prevention Education in order to prevent the abuse from re-occurring and to empower and support the child or young person through the possible disclosure period when and where applicable. It also provides children and young people who are witness to or involved in family violence with preventative and abilities to gain the appropriate help.
During Child Protection Week 2022 CFSS WA officially launched the program which was well attended.
Below is the the new CFSS Children’s Protective Behaviours Workbook and Child Safety Information for Parents and Carers Booklet.